Facebook Driving school marketing update

I have now completed my driving school advertising campaign on facebook, and the results weren't very encouraging for my niche of business.

The driving instructor adverts to promote a page of mine ran for almost 3 weeks, and the results are as follows.

1. Stuck to my budget which is good.

2. Ad had over 51,041 impressions, with only 22 clicks which is a very poor click through rate considering it was targeted at UK members who said they were interested in driving lessons. It seems to me that a lot of peope on there just like to hang out, post pictures and while away time!

3. This leads me to believe that facebook is not a good place to advertise on as a driving school owner. If you have had better success using a CPC marketing campaign on facebook, I would love to hear your experience.

4. I did manage to reach my target, but only 5 of the subscribers were a direct result of my ads.

I will be trying driving school advertising on google later on in the year which seems to have a more targeted audience via Adwords, but might be a little more expensive. Subscribe to the blog by email if you want to be notified when my next article is posted, enter your email address in the box provided in the top right hand corner.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to see your experience with Facebook. It was something I considered earlier this year. I agree that it's probably not the best place to advertise. Too much other stuff going on!
